Tuesday, May 26, 2009

R53 - Remedi terbaik bagi jerawat

Jerawat Sewaktu Akhil Baligh (Rash at puberty)

"Doc, anak saya ni dah bermacam-macam ubat dah sapu untuk hilangkan jerawat tapi tak baik-baik" , begitulah keluhan seorang ibu pada seorang remaja lelaki yang berumur 19 tahun. Jerawat atau acne vulgaris yang biasanya disebut acne sahaja. Dalam bahasa kita dipanggil jerawat batu. Saya tidak akan membincangkan bagaimana acne ini terjadi kerana telah dibincangkan di post-post saya sebelum ini.

Saya sebut acne sahaja kerana ia lebih spesifik untuk memperkatakan mengenai jerawat pada usia meningkat akhil baligh, kerana ance akan mempengaruhi psikologi remaja itu yang akan merasa rendah diri dan terus menghantui remaja itu sehingga ke usia dewasa.

Banyak kes-kes acne yang berhubung dengan saya telah mengalami masalah acne semenjak umur 13-16 tahun, namun mereka ingin cepat sembuh bila mendapat tahu mengenai kaedah Homepathy setelah dewasa. Bayangkan setelah melebihi 10 tahun acne dimuka dan sudah pun menjadi kronik pada umur 23 - 25 tahun mereka ingin sembuh dalam masa 1-2 bulan dan marah-marah bila kesannya lambat dan terjadi outbreak, Tepuk dahi lah saya , dan semput nak menjawab soalan-soalan mereka. Saya perlukan remedi ajaib untuk berbuat begitu...

Siapa yang tidak mahu kelihatan cantik dan bebas dari jerawat, sekiranya acne itu kronik ia akan memakan masa untuk kembali ke 90% muka bebas dari kesan parut. Untuk mendapat kesan 100% adalah mustahil , saya tidak mahu menjanjikan sesuatu yang mustahil!. Bagi acne yang kronik sewaktu mendapat rawatan ia akan terjadi outbreak. Bila dengar outbreak semua lari tak mau ambil dah remedi homeopati, serik katanya, "teruklah macam mana saya nak keluar rumah doc?. Keluh seorang pesakit dari Shah Alam. Pada hakikatnya dia telah keluar rumah saban hari dengan muka yang berjerawat semenjak 10 tahun lepas dan jerawat dimukanya sentiasa tumbuh dan hilang dengan teknik membenam jerawat itu menggunakan pelbagai krim yang berasaskan bahan kimia Benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide mengikut kajian akan menjuruskan pengguna kepada kanser kulit.

ini merupakan kesan positif untuk membongkar semua jerawat yang dibenam (suppress) ke bawah lapisan kulit oleh ubat-ubat yang berunsur kimia yang lama kelamaan akan manjadi kanser kulit pula. Pada amnya muka seseorang itu tidak ada acne tetapi hakikatnya sebenarnya mereka menyimpan time bomb dibawah lapisan kulit yang akan meletup pada bila-bila masa.

Yang mana satu pilihan anda?. Outbreak ini biasanya akan mengambil masa 2-4 minggu mengikut paras kronik acne seseorang itu. Sebagai perawat saya menasihati kepada pembaca blog ini supaya bersabar dengan tindak balas pembongkaran (outbreak), ini ialah kerana ia memberi manfaat pada jangka waktu yang panjang dan anda tidak terdedah kepada kanser kulit.

lihat gambar di bawah remaja berumur 16 tahun yang diserang acne pada dahinya, jika muka dah berjerawat, remaja itu akan mempunyai personaliti yang pemalu, kurang kenyakinan diri dan tidak aktif di sekolah kerana merasakan kekurangan padanya.

Merah dan besar-besar acnenya, cuba lihat kesannya selepas 2 minggu dia menggunakan R53 produk yang diimport dari Germany keluaran Dr.Reckeweg bersama-sama sabun anti acne dan antiseptic Marigold.

Langsung tidak ada kesan-kesan yang dia telah berjerawat sebelum ini, ini menunjukkan kes-kes yang belum kronik boleh sembuh dalam masa yang singkat, namun bagi yang kronik ia akan memakan masa dan perlu kesabaran untuk mendapat hasil seperti remaja ini. Ada pepatah orang kampung saya mengatakan "nothing comes easy" atau "nothing good happens fast" . Jangan marah-marah yer saya bergurau ....:) aje.

Untuk info lanjut dan pesanan sila email ke sales@solaris-marketing.com atau sms ke 019-257 00 23

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1

Weight Loss Management Tablets

Since launching Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1, it was superb!! . I got a very satisfying feedback. With natural sources Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1 help you lose or maintain weight with no side effect such as rapid heat beat, diarrhea, frequent urinating and the worst is insomnia.

If you are looking to lose weight, and don‘t know what to try next, or what will really work, try Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1, I know that losing weight, and keeping the pounds off can be next to impossible.

Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1 works competently with your body's physiology. It is completely homeopathy and herbal Pharmapoeia formulation. It will help you attain important weight loss, and help improve your health and energy level without withdrawal. It is caffeine and ephedra-free.

Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1 is a complete homeopathy and herbal Pharmapoeia supplement that will make you stronger, physically as well as mentally. When you start Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1, you will lose extra weight, and begin to feel much healthier and full of energy. It's all done naturally with no injurious chemicals, no messy powdered "meal-replacements", and no pre-packaged foods.

This is the best, most efficient and most healthful weight loss Homeopathy & herbal supplements available. Each component works synergistically with every other to help you achieve your ideal weight and health.

Ingredient :

Phytolacca Americana 15mg, Allium Sativum (garlic) 5mg, Grape Fruit 5mg and Bladder Wrack (fucus.v)

Contra Indication :

No and not established

Avaibility :

15x6 tablet blister pack, (approx: 15 days)

Origin :


Recommended Dose :

2 tablet 3 times daily before 3 major meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Price :

RM110 New price EM100 per box , free delivery all over Malaysia

Overseas : USD30 (excluding shipment)

Please email to sales@solaris-marketing.com or SMS for further info and order. <-- Click here

Remedy For Acne Vulgaris

Homeopathic Oral Remedy According To Your Symptoms


Is perhaps the remedy most often indicated in this affection, especially if chronic. The skin is rough and hard and the acne is associated with comedones and constipation; great aggravation from water is the characteristic leading to Sulphur in skin affections. Face is Pale, sickly color. Heat and spotted redness of face. Black pores. Itching intensely in evening and from warmth. The acne punctata is the variety corresponding most nearly to Sulphur. Simple forms yield to Belladonna or Pulsatilla. Acne rosacea yields to Arsenicum iodatum or Sulphur iodide.


It is another useful remedy in acne, especially in women with scanty menses and irregular circulation of blood. Other remedies for acne dependent on sexual disturbances of women are Calcarea carbonica and Aurum muriaticum natronatrum.

Kali bromatum

Acne on the face, neck and shoulders. We frequently find acne in Epileptics who have been maltreated by bromides. This remedy is especially adapted to the acne simplex and the acne indurata, especially in hyperaesthetic, nervous females. Face flushed. Acne of face, pustules. General failure of mental power, loss of memory, melancholia, anesthesia of the mucous membranes. Suicidal mania with tremulousness. Itching of skin worse on chest, shoulders, and face. Anesthesia of skin. This remedy may be given if Asterias Rubens fails. Dr. J.H.Clarke says, "I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali bromatum 30," and the late Dr.A.M. Cushing recommended Arsenicum bromatum 4x as very efficacious.Thuja is one of our best remedies for acne facialis. Calcarea picrata is also a useful remedy for acne; clinically it has been found one of the good remedies. Calcarea sulphurica is indicated where the pimples suppurate.

Antimonium crudum

Small red pimples on face, acne in drunkards with gastric derangements, thirst and white-coated tongue. Face with sad expression Fat, fretful, cross and peevish; cries if looked at, touched or washed. Ecstatic, dreamy, sentimental. Pustules.
Antimonium tartaricum.
Obstinate cases, with tendency to pustulation, are curable with this remedy.
Berberis aquifolium
It is useful where the skin is rough and the acne persistent.
Natrum muriaticum
It acts especially on the sebaceous glands, and is a very helpful remedy in acne. In this affection attention must be directed especially to the patient's type, temperament and tendencies and the general symptoms are far mores important than the local ones.
Asterias Rubens
Pimples on the face at the age of puberty. A remedy for the sycotic diathesis; flabby, lymphatic constitution, flabby with red face. Nervous disturbances. Pimples on side of nose chin and mouth.


Acne rosacea. Alternate redness and paleness of the skin. Skin dry, hot and swollen, pustules on face. Face is red, bluish-red, hot, swollen, and shining. Patient is restless and talks fast. Acuteness of all senses.
Hepar Sulphur
Papules prone to suppurate and extend. Acne in youth. Suppurate with prickly pain. Easily bleed. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates. Cannot bear to be uncovered; wants to be wrapped up warmly. Sticking or pricking in afflicted parts. Great sensitiveness to slightest touch. Constant offensive exhalation from the body Face, Yellowish complexion. Suits especially scrofulous and lymphatic constitutions that are inclined to have eruptions and glandular swellings. Unhealthy skin. Great sensitiveness to all impressions. The lesions spread by the formation of small papules around the side of the old lesion. Chilliness, hypersensitiveness, splinter-like pains, craving for sour and strong things are very characteristic.

Calcarea Silicata

Pimples, comedones. A deep, long acting medicine for complaints which come on slowly and reach their final development after long periods. Hydrogenoid constitution. Skin Itching, burning, cold and blue, very sensitive. very sensitive to cold. Patient is weak, emaciated, cold and chilly, but worse from being overheated; sensitive generally.
Nux vomica
Acne; skin red and blotchy. Body burning hot, especially face; yet cannot move or uncover without feeling chilly. The typical Nux patient is rather thin, spare, quick, active, nervous, and irritable. Nux patients are easily chilled, avoid open air. Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious. Does not want to be touched. Face Pale, yellowish, earthy or livid countenance. Yellow about nose, mouth or eyes. Red, swollen.

Arsenicum Iodatum

Acne hard, shotty, indurated base with pustule at apex. It will be indicated by a profound prostration, rapid, irritable pulse and severe cases of acne vulgaris. Great emaciation. Skin is Dry, scaly, itching. Debilitating night-sweats.


Acne rosacea. Acne in groups, aggravated by heat. Acne especially on nose Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow, sallow complexion; Ailments from suppressed eruptions. Burning pimple with itching.

Chelidonium Majus

Painful red pimples and pustules; especially on nose and cheeks. Wilted skin. Dry heat of skin with itching. Painful red pimples and pustules. Face red, without heat. Itching over entire face and forehead. Depression and sadness, even to weeping. Restlessness and solicitude concerning the present and future.


Pimples and acne; itching. Skin is Rough, hard, persistent dryness of portions of skin. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates. Patients who are rather stout, of fair complexion, with tendency to skin affections and constipation, fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold easily. Has a particular tendency to develop the skin phase of internal disorders. Anemia with redness of face. Tendency to obesity. Timid. Unable to decide.


Acne rosacea. Greasy face. Pale, sickly look. Skin is yellow, dirty, and greasy. Roughness of knuckles. Pimples with black points in center. Small numerous pustules, itching unhealthy. Itching, after scratching vesicles arise, when touched. Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.


Hypochondriacal dejection. Low spirited and joyless, with a feeling of general exhaustion. Acne. Face is pale, with lusterless eyes encircled by blue ring. Black pores on nose and face.
Calcarea phosphoricum
Acne in anaemic girls at puberty, with vertex headache and flatulent dyspepsia, relieved by eating. Skin is dark - brown, yellowish. Red, with prickling like nettles after a bath.

Thuja occidentalis

Pimples on face. Face glowing redness of whole face, with a fine network of blood vessels, as if it were marbled. oily skin. Burning heat and redness of. Flushes of heat in. Sweat on, especially on side on which he does not lie. Pimples on upper lip and chin. Lips, etc. All eruptions burn violently after cold washing. Corrosive itching. Better scratching, but then followed by burning. Painful sensitiveness of affected part. The skin symptoms better by touch.

Ledum palustre

Angry mood. Love for solitude. Great seriousness. Face, Alternatively pale and red. Dry pimples like millet seed on forehead. Red nodules Boils on forehead. Skin Dry, want of natural perspiration.

Nitricum acidum

Anxious about his complaints, with fear of death. Sadness and despondency. Face yellow. Sunken eyes encircled by yellow. Dark yellow, almost brownish complexion. Pimples on forehead and temples. Skin with Black pores.


Acne from the use of cosmetics; especially during summer. Pale swelling of cheeks. Skin itching, especially when getting warm, better not scratching. Sadness, with restlessness. Easily offended: takes everything in bad part.


Acne simplex in the tubercular children. Rapid breakdown . Takes cold easily; ends in diarrhœa. Fits of violent temper. Craves cold milk, or sweets. Drum belly. Skin dry, harsh, sensitive, easily tanned; itching in cool air. Chilly; yet wants fresh air. Flushes of heat.

Homeopathy believes in complete and gentle healing. Any enquiry please email to: sales@solaris-marketing.com for consultation and price

Friday, May 22, 2009

Soundarya Cream For Acne - I hate Acne!!

Soundarya Homeopathic Cream And Oral Homeopathic Remedies

Soundarya Homeopathic cream for acne
With the active ingredients (Beberis Aqui.HPI.Q, Oleum Sandalum HPI.Q, Thuja Occ HPI.Q and Nat.Mur HPI.3 X) in it, the Acne Cream, Homeopathic Skin Care helps cure and even prevent acne, freckles (a small brownish spot often turning darker), comesdones or blackheads, spot, pitting (hole) and scars, sun burn, rough skin and its related skin problems. It conspicuously clears pimples and blemishes and helps to reduce inflammation and infection.

Homeopathy considers acne to be a symptom of a deeper issue. It does not concentrate on treating just the skin surface using topical gels, creams or ointments on acne. It treats you not just a simple acne case but looks at you from both inside and. Homeopathy believes in complete and gentle healing and for this purpose it concentrates on your complete medical history.

When you start taking the prescribed homeopathic medicines, at first, you will notice a temporary outbreak in your symptoms. This is the sign that the treatment of treating like with like is working.

After some time you will start noticing encouraging signs of an improvement. The texture of your skin will improve and roughness, itchiness and redness will be noticeably decreased. The burning sensations will be considerably less. Over a period of months, your complexion and skin condition will keep improving continually.

Beside of Soundarya Cream, Aquifolium Cream, Carmino Cream and Marigold Soap for skin surface treatment, for deeper treatment I would like to insist for an oral remedy in order to get a deeper treatment below the skin.

Major remedy that give a very promising result is Sulphur, most acne cases often indicated as rough, hard and associated with comesdones (blackhead) and constipation; great aggravation from water, face is pale, sickly color, heat and spotted redness of face, balck pores and itching intensely in evening and from warmth.

More than 30 others remedy related to the acne with a different symptoms of people and characteristic. Please refer to the other post; Homeopathy Oral Remedy According To Your Symptoms.

Any enquiry please email to : sales@solaris-marketing.com for consultation and price

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Buasir Dan Produk Terbaru

Saya tertarik dengan satu email yang bertanyakan tentang remedi dan produk-produk untuk merawat buasir. "saya takut untuk buang air besar kerana risau akan sakit atau berdarah selepas itu" , salah satu ayat yang sering saya dengar atau terbaca dari pesakit-pesakit saya sewaktu mereka datang bertemu saya atau di online.

Selain dari remedi seperti Hamamelis, Aesculus, Aloe, Graphite dan lain-lain yang telah berjaya menyembuhkan pesakit-pesakit buasir. Saya juga telah berjaya merawat puluhan pesakit dengan remedi yang diimpot dari Jerman yang diberi nama Dr.Reckeweg yang mempunyai rangkaian remedi hampir untuk semua penyakit. Senarai penuh bagi setiap penyakit boleh di lihat di http://www.solaris-marketing.com/remedy.html .

Produk Dr.Reckeweg semuanya bermula dengan kod R, gabungan remedi-remedi ini telah berjaya mencatatkan rekod penyembuhan yang tinggi sepanjang 10 tahun saya mengamalkan Perubatan Homeopathy. R1, R13, R30 dan R37.

Indikasi Remedi/Produk

  1. R1 - Pesakit buasir akan mengalami simptom di mana akan terjadi ketidakselesaan di abdomen (perut) seperti kembung, berangin dan pedih-pedih atau disebut localised inflammation in cases of acute hemorrhoids. R1 bertindak melegakan ketiadakselesaan inflamasi yang terjadi di perut.
  2. R13 - Remedi ini bertindak melegakan kesakitan yang terasa seperti terbakar dan pedih di dubur, dubur terasa terkeluar dan gatal-gatal.
  3. R30 atau Krim Hamamelis atau Krim Aesculus - Krim-krim ini bertindak sebagai agen melegakan kesakitan secara luaran dan mempercepatkan pengecutan inflamasi yang terjadi di dubur seperti berdarah, membengkak dan terkeluar.
  4. R37 - Remedi ini akan bertindak melembutkan najis atau meregulasikan najis (regulate the stool) supaya buasir tidak akan terjadi lagi.
Remedi ini dipanggil combination remedy (remedi kombinasi) , ia menggabungkan beberapa remedi yang amat berkesan untuk merawat buasir didalam 1 produk. Kombinasi remedi ini disediakan didalam dos yang amat rendah dan tidak terdapat sebarang aduan komplikasi kesan sampingan.

Kebaikan combination remedy , ia dapat merangsang penyembuhan mengikut keserasian remedi-remedi didalam satu masa berbanding single remedy.

Presentasi produk ialah di pek didalam botol kaca 22ml kecuali R30 ia didalam bentuk ointment (krim) 85g* dalam bekas plastik.

* R30 selain dapat mengecut dan meredakan inflamasi buasir ia juga boleh menyembuhkan jerawat, sakit atau sengal sendi, terseliuh dan inflmasi kulit. Ia adalah krim pelabagai guna.

Sila hubungi saya untuk info dan pesanan di 019-257 00 23 atau email di sales@solaris-marketing.com

Cara order di online : http://homeopathy2u.blogspot.com/search/label/bagaimana%20hendak%20beli%20produk%20di%20online

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Krim Jerawat, Parut, Jeragat dan Masalah Kulit

Di tengah-tengah kehangatan dan pesanan untuk produk menguruskan badan yang baru tiba (Phytolacca Americana 3 in 1 - Dapat turun 2-3 kilo dalam 5 hari) email dan YM saya penuh dengan pertanyaan tentang perbezaan set Carmino Cream & Sabun Marigold dan Set Aquifolium & Remedi oral Detox pencuci darah atau remedi oral Aquifolium. Paling penting remedi dan krim-krim ini tidak mendatangkan sebarang kesan sampingan yang biasanya terjadi bila menggunakan Benzoyl peroxide cream.

"Konpiuss saya doc" , ayat yang sering ditaip oleh pengguna Carmino Cream & Sabun Marigold selepas saya menlancarkan Set Aquifolium & Remedi oral Detox pencuci darah atau remedi oral Aquifolium.

Pendek kan cerita , saya beri perbezaannya antara kedua-dua produk tersebut.

Carmino Cream & Sabun Marigold

1. Kegunaan Carmino Cream seperti Clearasil , iaitu disapu pada jerawat yang baru dan lama yang masih belum kecut. Ia akan mengecutkan jerawat tersebut dan sekaligus menghilangkan parut. Ia bukan untuk disapu pada seluruh muka. Tindakannya amat pantas san selamat, ia mampu mengecutkan jerawat dalam tempoh semalaman.

2. Carmino Cream juga bertindak sebagai antiseptik sekiranya terdapat luka-luka dan kudis

3. Sabun Marigold adalah sabun yang amat rendah pHnya , boleh digunakan seberapa kerap yang mahu. Ia bertindak melembabkan muka dan mencerahkan kulit.

4. Set Carmino dan Sabun Marigold juga boleh diambil dengan Remedi Oral Detox R60 dan juga Cream Aquifolium untuk kegunaan menghilangkan jerawat, parut, jeragat, bintik-bintik hitam, bintik-bintik putih dan lain-lain

Set Aquifolium & Remedi oral Detox pencuci darah atau remedi oral Aquifolium.

1. Cream Aquifolium digunakan sebaik-baiknya sewaktu malam dan dibiarkan semalaman, ia digunakan selepas mencuci muka dengan air suam dan sapu ke seluruh muka dengan cara putaran dan biarkan semalaman.

2. Remedi oral detox R60 atau Aquifolium drops membantu mengecut dan mengimbangkan hormon yang biasanya terjadi pada kadar yang tinggi sewaktu seseorang itu meningkat remaja. Proses hormon yang terjadi pada kadar yang tinggi akan menghasikan sebum dengan kuantiti yang banyak, remedi oral bertindak dari dalam tubuh dengan mengimbangi hormon mengawal sebum dari terjadi dengan banyaknya sehingga mengakibatkan saluran pore tersumbat dan sehingga terjadilah jerawat (acne).

Untuk rawatan jerawat (acne) yang baik, kita perlu mengawal dan mengimbangi paras hormon yang akan menyebabkan acne itu akan berulang-ulang terjadi sekiranya hanya menggunakan krim semata-mata. Terdapat beberapa remedi susulan nuntuk mengawal acne ke tahap total. Hubungi saya untuk cadangan remedi selanjutnya.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, emerods, grapes of wrath, or piles

Haemorrhoids (often known as Piles) are enlarged and engorged blood vessels (varicosities) in or around the anus. These may be associated with pain, bleeding, itching and feeling as if a lump or bump is hanging down.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is painless bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful. This is known as a protruding hemorrhoid.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms. This condition is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid.

In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of symptoms. Draining mucus may also cause itching.

Causes of Hemorrhoids:

It is a known fact that constipation and prolonged straining at stool are main causes of piles but there are some other important aspects too.

  • Low fibre diet causing small caliber stool and straining during defecation.
  • Sitting for prolonged period at closet.
  • Hypertension mainly in portal vein.
  • Obesity.
  • Sedentary life style.
  • Constipation as well as chronic diarrhea.
  • Pregnancy causes hypertension and increases strain during bowel movements.
  • Increased use of alcohol and caffeine.
  • Lack of erect posture.
  • Familial tendency.
  • Higher socio-economic status.
  • Colon malignancy.
  • Hepatic disease.
  • Spinal cord injury.
  • Loss of rectal muscle tone.
  • Rectal surgery.
  • Episiotomy.
  • Ageing – weakened support structures.

Types of hemorrhoids:

1) External hemorrhoids -

occur outside of anal verge (distal end of anal canal)
sometimes painful.
Swelling and irritation present.
Itching present.
Prone to thrombosis, if the veins rupture a blood clot is formed
-- these are called Thrombosed hemorrhoids.

2) Internal hemorrhoids -

occur inside the rectum.
Not painful.
May bleed when irritated.

Two severe forms if not treated properly—

3) Prolapsed hemorrhoids –

Internal hemorrhoids that are much distended and pushed outside anus.

4) Strangulated hemorrhoids –

If anal sphincter muscle goes into spasm and traps a prolapsed hemorrhoid outside the anal opening and supply of blood is cut.

Gradation of Hemorrhoids-

Grade I - Hemorrhoids project into the anal canal and often bleed but do not prolapse.

Grade II - Hemorrhoids may protrude beyond the anal verge with straining or defecating but reduce spontaneously when straining ceases.

Grade III - Hemorrhoids protrude spontaneously or with straining and require manual reduction.

Grade IV - Hemorrhoids chronically prolapsed and cannot be reduced. They usually contain both internal and external components and may present malignancy.

Prevention of Hemorrhoids/Piles–

  • Drinking more fluids in routine.
  • Eating more dietary fibers.
  • Practicing better posture.
  • Reducing bowel movement strain and time.
  • Avoid wearing tight under clothes.
  • Washing the anus with cool water and soap may reduce swelling and increase blood supply for quick healing.
  • Exercises.

Using squat toilets may help.

Homeopathic Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/suceptability) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.

Homeopathy Remedy According To The Symptoms

  • Aesculus hippocastanum – Painful, blind or protruding piles of purplish color which is very sore with aching, burning and itching and a sensation of sticks or splinters in the rectum, rarely bleeding. Hard dry stool passed with difficulty and followed by a feeling of prolapse of rectum. Bleeding gives relief. This remedy is especially suitable to the form of haemorrhoids arising from portal congestion, abdominal plethora. They may or may not bleed, but there is a feeling in the rectum as of splinters or sticks. This remedy actually produced many liver symptoms and haemorrhoids in the provers. Other indicating symptoms are aching in the lumbar region, protruding purple piles with severe pains in the sacrum and small of the back and fullness in the region of the liver. Dryness, burning and itching are good indications. Hughes prefers Nux vomica and Sulphur in haemorrhoids dependent on congestion of the portal system. Pulsatilla is one of the best remedies in haemorrhoids after Aesculus. Passive congestion and dyspeptic troubles are the keynotes; blind haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids that bleed easily. It acts best in the higher potencies (Dewey). Haemorrhoids from chronic constipation may be cured with Aesculus.

  • Aloe socotrina – When he blood passes like water from hydrant, piles protrude like bunch of grapes. Better by cold water, flatus with faeces. Violent itching and burning in anus. Constantly putting finger in anus. Constant bearing down in anus; bleeding, soreness which gets relieved by cold water. Sense of insecurity in rectum when passing flatus. Lumpy, watery, jelly like stool. Hemorrhoids protruding, very sore and tender. This is also a most useful haemorrhoidal remedy. It is indicated where the piles protrude like a bunch of grapes, bleeding often and profusely, and are greatly relieved by the application of cold water. There is a very marked burning in the anus the bowels feel as if scraped. There is a tendency to diarrhoea, with the well-known uncertain feeling in the lower bowel. This tendency to diarrhoea will distinguish from Collinsonia, which has the tendency to constipation. Ratanhia has burning in the anus, and protrusion of varices after a hard stool. The characteristics of this remedy are burning and fissure of the anus, great painfulness and sensitiveness of rectum (Capsicum).

  • Arsenic album – Burning pain and restlessness relieved by hot application. Hemorrhoids burn like fire and skin around the anus gets excoriated. Painful spasmodic protrusion of rectum with severe tenesmus.Great exhaustion from least exertion with burning pains. Night aggravation of complains with restlessness and fear and fright.

  • Collinsonia – Hemorrhoids with backache and obstinate constipation. Prolapse of rectum. Piles bleeding or blind and protruding. There may be obstinate constipation and diarrhea.But says that no remedy can equal Collinsonia in obstinate cases of hemorrhoids, which bleed almost incessantly, he recommends the tincture. It is of special use in females with inertia of the rectum and a congestive tendency to the pelvic organs. It suits pregnant women who suffer from piles, and pruritus may be a marked symptom. The indicating symptoms are chiefly a sensation of sticks in the rectum, with constipation from inertia of the lower bowel. It is especially applicable to heart pains resulting from a suppression of a habitual hemorrhoid flow. It is somewhat similar to Nux, but is a far more useful remedy.

  • Hammamelis – Painless bleeding followed by prostration which is out of all proportion to the blood lost. The blood is of dark color. There is anemia, breathlessness and weakness notwithstanding good appetite. Venous congestion and venous stasis are characteristics. Bruised soreness of affected parts. Passive hemorrhage from any part as piles.

  • Muriatic acid – Piles like bunch of grapes which look purple and burn when touched. Piles in children; protruding; reddish blue. Tendency to involuntary evacuation while urinating .Hemorrhoids most sensitive to all touches, even sheet of toilet paper is painful. Anal itching and prolapsus ani while urinating. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy, bluish, hot, with violent stitches.

  • Nitric acid – Hemorrhoids that have ceased to bleed, but very painful and hanging down loosely with sharp pricking pains in rectum. Great straining while passing stool and hemorrhoids that bleed easily. Haemorrhages from bowels and violent cutting pains after stools lasting for an hour after stool. Severe burning and stinging. Rectum feels torn and severe fissures in rectum. Severe exhaustion and irritability after stools.

  • Nux-vomica – One of the main remedy for bleeding or non- bleeding piles to be given when there is burning pain and constipation with ineffectual desire. If the hemorrhoids be large and blind, with a burning, stinging and constricted feeling in the rectum and a bruised pain in the small of the back, and especially if excited by sedentary habits or abuse of stimulants, then Nux may be prescribed with confidence. Itching hemorrhoids keeping the sufferer awake at night, relieved by cold water, or bleeding piles with constant urging to stool, and a feeling as if the bowel would not empty itself are further indications. Great sensitiveness of the anus cannot make use of the softest toilet paper; the piles are so sore and sensitive that the slightest touch is unbreakable.

  • Paenoia – Hemorrhoids with ulceration, the anus and surrounding parts are purple and covered with crusts, ulcers within the anus are very painful. The whole mucus membrane studded with ulcers and cracks. Biting, itching in anus that provokes scratching. Anal orifice swollen and burning in anus after stool then internal chilliness. Fistula ani with painful ulcers. Purple hemorrhoids covered with crusts and severe atrocious pains with and after each stool.

  • Ratanhia - The rectal symptoms are most important. Aching in rectum as if full of broken glass.Anus burns for hours after stool and feels constricted. Dry heat at anus with sudden knife like stitches. Stools must be forced with great effort and thus hemorrhoids too protrude out. Fissures of anus with great constriction and burning like fire. Hemorrhoids too burn and get relieved by cold water.

  • Sulphur –This remedy corresponds to ailments producing hemorrhoids and to the troubles resulting from piles which have stopped bleeding, and as a result fullness in the head and uneasiness in the liver; constipation is present; a desire for stool and itching of the anus.Itching and burning of anus and piles dependent upon abdominal plethora. Frequent unsuccessful desire to go to closet. Stool hard, knotty and insufficient. Redness around anus with hemorrhoids oozing and belching.

  • Ammonium carb – Protrusion of piles after stools with long lasting pains cannot walk. Piles also protrude independent of stool. Burning and itching in anus which prevents sleep. Piles worse at the times of menses.

  • Kali carbonicum – Piles painful, burning like fire and bleed copiously. Great distension and swelling inside. Fistula of the anus. Burning temporarily relieved by sitting in cold water or by cold application.

  • Carbo veg. - Protruding piles, blue, even suppurating, offensive, swelling, burning in the rectum, oozing of fluid from rectum, flatulence; Itching, gnawing and burning in rectum.Soreness, moisture around anus at night. Discharge of blood with stool. White hemorrhoids with excoriation of anus.Bluish burning piles and paining after stool.

  • Millifolium – Hemorrhage from bowels. Bleeding hemorrhoids and stool as well as urine is bloody. Blood is bright red in color.

  • Ficus religiosa – Hemorrhage and hemorrhoids. Bloody hemorrhoids with bright red blood and pain, soreness, burning, itching and aching in rectum.

  • Phosphorus – Known for bleeding hemorrhoids and great weakness after stool. White, hard stool with discharge of blood from rectum each time with and after stool. Painless copious debilitating stools with very fetid stool as well as flatus. Green mucus with long, narrow, hard stool like a dog's. Seems as if anus is open at all times. Blood from hemorrhoids is bright red in color and great debility co-exists.

  • Thuja – Piles swollen and painful while sitting with burning pains in anus. Anus is fissured and painful to touch with many painful warts. Constipation with violent rectal pains causing stool to recede. Distended, indurations in abdomen and chronic diarrhea.